On the Subject of Light Cycles
The name “blinkenlights” was taken.
There are six colored LEDs in a row which continuously flash in sequence from left to right. To disarm this module, determine a sequence of colors, then input that sequence by pressing the button when each color is lit. (For example, to enter the color red, press the button when the red LED is lit.)
Determine the correct sequence of colors as follows:
- Start with the order of the LEDs on the module. This is a sequence of six colors.
- Take the first and last character of the serial number, then the second and second-last, etc. up to the last and first character, resulting in a list of 6 pairs.
- For each such pair of characters, look up the information in the following table. Use the first in the pair for the row, the second for the column. A letter in the table refers to a color (R = red, Y = yellow, G = green, B = blue, M = magenta, W = white), while a number refers to a position in your sequence (1 through 6). Swap those two colors in your sequence.
- After performing the six swaps, enter the resulting sequence.